History 251
Latin America Since Independence

Second Writing Assignment


Write a well-argued essay on the following topic. The essay should draw explicitly from the assigned reading and the supplemental materials presented in lecture and discussion section.

The essay should be 1250-1500 words in length and follow conventional formatting guidelines (i.e. typed; double-spaced; reasonable margins and fonts; stapled; numbered pages). The top of the paper should include the word count (including notes, if any).

Refried Elvis, by historian Eric Zolov, examines a variety of challenges to and innovations within a patriarchal "Revolutionary Family" that supported the ruling party in Mexico, the Partido Revolucionario Instituicional, during the Mexican Economic Miracle of the 1950s and 60s. In his analysis to such challenges, Zolov looks closely at the sounds and practices of an urban youth counterculture known as La Onda and La Onda Chicana.

Drawing from the introduction and Chapters 1-5 of Refried Elvis, argue how and why rock-and-roll music and other expressions of popular and youth culture associated with La Onda and La Onda Chicana were vehicles for challenges to the "Revolutionary Family" and the PRI's responses to counterculture in Mexico.

This writing assignment is due at the beginning of lecture on Thursday, April 3, 2012. See the syllabus for the late policy.

Feel free to seek out the professor or your teaching assistant for guidance in writing a well-organized and engaging paper.

Outlines and/or rough drafts are always welcome. Or, consider making a visit to the Writing Center, located in 1205 Tawes Hall. Tel: (301) 405-3785.

HIST 251 Homepage
Email: Professor Williams  Email: Shawn Moura