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Benjamin Ravid, "From Geographical Realia to Historiographical Symbol: The Odyssey of the Word Ghetto" in David B. Ruderman, ed., Essential Papers on Jewish Culture in Renaissance and Baroque Italy (New York, 1992)
1) In what ways did the Jews' historical role in business -- specifically, money-lending and trade -- both enhance and restrict their freedom of movement?
2) Was there anything unique about Venice in Early Modern Europe with respect to the interactions between the Jewish and non-Jewish communities?
3) What were the reasons, according to Ravid, for the Venetian government's decree of 1513 giving the Jews permission to reside in the city?
4) Why was there opposition in Venice to granting the Turks separate living quarters in the early seventeenth century?
5) To what extent might increased urbanization and, with it, increases in population density have led to a push for the "ghettoization" of certain groups in history?
6) In what ways has the meaning of the word "ghetto" changed over time? In what ways, according to Ravid, has it been used as a slur?
7) Do you feel the author is accurate in describing neighborhoods described as "ghettos" today as based on free "choice"?
Terms, Concepts, Names, and Dates
papal bull
War of the League of Cambrai
Ottoman Balkans
1797 (Venice)
"ghetto mentality"
Merchant of Venice